Enrollment is open for the
2024-25 school year!
Click here to enroll online!
In order to enroll, the following documents must be provided by the parent/guardian:
Birth Certificate - It is necessary for all new enrollees, in any grade, to provide to the school within 30 days of enrolling a birth certificate (certified or a copy). If the parent/legal guardian fails to provide a birth certificate within 30 days, we are required by law to notify the Kalamazoo County Sheriff's Department. The purpose of this regulation is not to delay enrollment, but to provide a method of tracking the increasing number of missing children within the United States.
Immunization Records - A copy of your student's immunization records signed by a physician or health facility must be provided. Since 1978, state law requires each new entrant to the school district in grades K-12 have a certificate of current immunization at the time of registration or not later than the first day of school. If immunizations are needed, the Kalamazoo County Health & Community Services offers a clinic, no appointment needed. Call them at 373-5238 or 373-5264 for more information.
Proof of Residency in Comstock School District - Your student must reside with a parent or legal guardian that resides in the Comstock Public School District, or be accepted as a School of Choice 105/105c student. Proof of residency is mandatory and can be provided in the following documents that list your name, address and are dated within the last 30 days.
Lease agreement
Home purchase agreement
Rent receipt
Utility bill
Legal Guardianship Papers - if the student does not reside with a parent listed on the birth certificate.
Other very important information to have ready when enrolling your child:
Emergency contact names/numbers including work phone and cell phone numbers
Doctor's name and phone number
Name, address, phone fax numbers of previous school attended IF outside the Kalamazoo County area
We look forward to helping you and your student!