Meeting Agendas and Minutes

Check the District Calendar for BOE Meeting Dates and Locations  

The Comstock Board of Education typically meets in the Community Room at the Comstock Education Services Center located at 3010 Gull Road, unless otherwise noted.

Contact the BOE President or Secretary for exact meeting dates and times, or to have a topic of dicussion added to the BOE meeting agenda.

The public is encouraged to attend. If you would like to address the BOE during a regular scheduled meeting, you may due so during set times in the agenda. We ask that everyone keep their time to address the BOE to a maximum of three minutes in order to give all those wishing to addrss the BOE time to due so.

The Comstock BOE meets in an open public forum. All comments during open meetings are subject to be recorded (audio or video) and all recordings are to be available for public viewing, including all media outlets.

Starting with the 2018-19 school year, board agendas and minutes will be located here: