What is Dual Enrollment?
In 1996 the Michigan State Legislature passed Public Act 160, the Post-secondary Enrollment Options Act, or the "Dual Enrollment Bill." The bill modifies and expands on Provisions of the State School Aid Act providing for the participation of eligible high school students in dual enrollment or post-secondary enrollment options. The bill also requires that the board of a school district or public school ensure that each student in eighth grade or higher be given information about college level equivalent or Advanced Placement courses. The college classes that students are eligible for must not be offered by the high school and must lead toward accreditation, certificate and/or licensing.
Purpose of This Act
The purpose of this act is to provide a wider variety of options to high school pupils by encouraging and enabling qualified pupils to enroll in courses or programs at eligible post-secondary institutions.
Benefits of Dual Enrollment
This opportunity is for students that have demonstrated a strong academic performance in high school and are prepared to do college work. Other benefits include:
- A head start on a college career by taking classes before students graduate from high school
- Dual enrollment students may count their earned college credits both toward high school graduation and college requirements
- Financial savings. The tuition at KVCC is substantially less than the cost of most state universities.
Eligible Charges
School districts are required to pay the lesser of:
The actual charge of tuition, mandatory course fees, materials fees and registration fees, or that portion of the student's foundation allowance adjusted to the portion of the school year they attend at the post-secondary institution
School districts are NOT required to pay for Summer college classes
Books and Transportation must be provided by Parents
The act does not require a school district to pay or otherwise provide financial support for books, transportation, or parking costs necessary for participation. The approximate cost for books is $40.00 - $150.00 per class. After you have enrolled in class, check with the instructor before purchasing books. Book fees can be reimbursed at the end of the semester if funds allow.
How are classes paid for?
Comstock Public School is responsible by law to pay tuition and fees for our students' college credit up to 1/6 of 1/2 of the annual state foundation weighted average. The amount is based off of state budgets and changes from school year to school year.
Kalamazoo Valley Community College charges tuition based on the CONTACT hours and residency. If you are a Comstock Public School student, you qualify for In-District rates from KVCC.
Any amount per class, over the calculated amount above is the responsibility of the students/parents/guardians. KVCC requires the class be paid in full at the start of the semester. Therefore, if the amount due for a particular class is over the CPS estimated amount, you will be billed for the amount not covered by the amount allocated by the State. Any amount per class over the calculated amount above is the responsibility of the students/parents/guardians and the responsible party will be billed by the high school for the remaining balance.
If, when the state budget is finalized and the district is provided an updated state weighted average foundation allowance (for the calculation noted above), it is determined that a student/parent/guardian has overpaid, a refund will be issues from the district. Or, if balance is due, a bill will be issued.
Further questions about how classes are paid for can be directed to the main office at 269-250-8700.
How do I dual enroll?
Step 1: Make sure you have qualifying test scores on file with your advisor.
Minimum qualifying scores accepted by Kalamazoo Valley Community College (KVCC) are:
- SAT: Writing = 27, Math = 24, Reading = 26
- ACT: English = 18, Math = 18, Reading = 17
- Accuplacer Classic (administered prior to 4/6/18):
Writing = 6, Arithmetic = 58, Reading = 80
- Accuplacer Next Generation (administered after 4/6/18):
Writing = 6 OR WritePlacer 5 and Sentence Skills 250
Reading = 263 OR WritePlacer 6 OR WritePlacer 5 and Sentence Skills 250
Math = Quant/Alg/Stats 237
Note: Some college classes may require higher test scores than the minimums listed above.
Step 2: Meet with your advisor
With your advisor you will:
- Review your test scores to ensure eligibility
- Discuss course options that are right for you and fit your school schedule and other commitments
- Ensure you meet any prerequisite requirements for courses of interest
- View course options and prerequisite course information at the KVCC website
- Fill out the PSEO form complete with student signatures
To make an appointment with your advisor, sign up in Student Services.
Step 3: Follow Up with your advisor
Once your PSEO form has been submitted, meet with your advisor regarding further steps. These may include but are not limited to setting up your online account with and scheduling your orientation. All questions regarding this should be directed to KVCC.
For more information, read through the Dual Enrollment Frequently Asked Questions.