Department Information

Free and Reduced Meal Application Materials

Community Eligibility Provision


Comstock Schools Meal Charge Policy
Comstock Schools has a meal charge policy, which is unique for each school building. Please read the policy, which can be found here! Questions about the policy may be directed to the Food Service Office at 269-250-8719

Meal Charge Policy

Low Balance Reminders-NEW
Want to be reminded when your child's meal account gets below $5? Well, now we can send you email alerts! Our system will automatically send you an email when your child's account balance is below $5. It's easy to sign up, with one of these options:

  1. Call 250-8719 and have your email added to the meal account

  2. Send an email to [email protected], and tell us your children's names, your name, contact phone number, and email address, and we will have it updated within 48 hours.

Low balance reminder notes are also sent home with all elementary students at the end of the week.

Contact Form







