Dear Parents and Caregivers,
The Comstock Elementary School staff is excited to continue with a program which we believe will have a profound effect on the staff, students, and community of our school. CES is in the middle stages of becoming a "Leader in Me" school where students are taught and practice The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Covey). The "Leader in Me" process empowers young people to make positive, effective, and responsible choices by introducing and reinforcing the 7 Habits, a set of leadership and life skills from Stephen Covey’s book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.
We have been implementing "The Leader in Me" process as an introduction to personal leadership. "The Leader in Me" provides students with activities that will help them learn practical character and life skills that will lead to those positive choices. Written to appeal to their age level, students are presented with fun activities designed to get them thinking.
Your student is about to embark on an exciting journey, and our hope is that you will ask your student how he/she is doing along the way. Having your student re-teach the content to you will give him/her an even deeper understanding, and will give both of you an opportunity to learn together! Click here to find the 7 habits taught in this program, and a brief explanation of each.
When taught and practiced in a K-5 school environment, these 7 habits have been proven to improve academic engagement, comprehension, and performance by strengthening individual work habits and improving social interactions. They help improve student performance and support school success by helping to foster the qualities of independence (goal-setting, organization, time management, and planning); interdependence (teamwork, conflict management, creativity, and analytical skills); and renewal (fun, desire to learn, and good health & hygiene).
The staff of CES has made the commitment to model and implement The 7 Habits in order to provide a caring and nurturing learning environment for our students. Teaching students and developing leaders is what we do! Through the teaching of the 7 habits, our staff will be working together with students to create a school that maintains the dignity of children through productive interactions, while fostering positive relationships with parents and other community members.
If you are interested in reading this book, the office has a few copies of The Leader in Me that we would be willing to lend out. Please email Mrs. Caswell directly, [email protected]
With Comstock Pride,
Susan Caswell