HomeSchool Friendly
Decide when and where to study (expect to put in about 20 hours per week) within the district calendar. We provide academic advising for course selection, free SAT preparation, and can even provide a Chromebook and internet access. Through weekly communication, and with access to lab hours, we will help keep your student on track to succeed.
Students have the opportunity to enroll in a variety of honors classes or AP classes.
Dual Enrollment
Hard-working students who are on track to graduate, and going to the 11th or 12th grade may qualify to take college courses through our Dual Enrollment program. Students can sign up for a DE class (two maxiumum) at the end of their 10th-grade year. Students will have access to general education courses through Kalamazoo Valley Community College or WMU.
Learn more about Dual Enrollment
Early Middle College
Students apply for this five-year high school program during the sophomore year. During their junior and senior years, students will incorporate college courses into their high school curriculum. Students participate in graduation with their class, and continue for one more year of college courses, earning a certificate or associate degree for FREE.
Learn more about Early Middle College
Career Preparation Options
Education for Employment (EFE) and Education for Arts (EFA) offer hands-on experiences for students to explore careers. KRESA has an array of courses available for 11th and 12th graders. Students sign up during their sophomore year.
Classes include, but are not limited to:
- Culinary Arts
- Emergency Medical Technician
- Dance and Drama
- Teacher Cadet
- and many more…
Work Based-Learning Opportunities
11th and 12-grade students that are on track to graduate can participate in WBL Program.
Call 269-250-8949 to make an appointment, or e-mail Pam Dudley, Principal of CVA, for more information