Career and Technical Education & Education for the Arts

Career and Technical Education and Education for the Arts applications will be available in the Student Services office after January 1st! Students will need to fill out an application if they are interested in attending one of the many programs CTE and EFA offers. Information is available in the Student Services office.

The deadline for all applications to be completed and turned in to the guidance office is the end of February. Applications received after that time will be considered for waiting lists.

CTE and EFA programs require a year long commitment, so applications will be screened for academic and attendance concerns. Students may change their mind about accepting a program up to the end of this school year, but are committed to the program after school is out in June.

For more information about the CTE and EFA programs, visit the Kalamazoo Regional Educational Service Agency web site:

Career & Technical Education at
- Education for the Arts at

Should you have any further questions regarding any CTE or EFA programs, don't hesitate to call 250-8714. We will be happy to help!