During the 22-23 school year, the OK Conference in Grand Rapids approved a significant increase in pay for officials. This had a trickledown effect on all conferences in Southwest Michigan with it leading to all conferences in Southwest Michigan increasing their pay for officials. This decision then led to a change in what all conferences in Southwest Michigan would be charging at the gate. The Southwest 10 Conference decided we would be increasing ticket prices at high school events to $7 for adults and $5 for children and middle school events would be $5 for adults and children.
Most of you have experienced paying for an athletic admission ticket at an event through an online process. The MHSAA started using GoFan at all MHSAA tournaments in 2020, and the number of schools going cashless at athletic events has been increasing, so Comstock will be going cashless at all high school and middle school athletic events starting this school year. You will be able to pre-purchase tickets online at www.gofan.co or you can purchase your tickets at the gate using a debit/credit card reader.
Concession stands will still accept cash payments at this time.